Beverly Sullivan – Patient Story
Beverly was not going to let her joint pain get in the way of her active lifestyle, and believes that no one else should, either. Read more here.
HealthMe – Your Self-Pay MarketPlace
Some patient billing is provided by EZE Billing on TOC’s behalf
PAY YOUR BILL | phone icon(256) 539-2728 | FAX: (256) 539-2666
PHONE HOURS: M-F 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
The Orthopaedic Center (TOC) The Orthopaedic Center (TOC)
Beverly was not going to let her joint pain get in the way of her active lifestyle, and believes that no one else should, either. Read more here.
Christmas & New Year’s office hours:
Congratulations to Kacen Pierce from Athens Bible School. He is the TOC Sports and Huntsville Hospital Sports Center Athlete of the Week for November 2020! Kacen Pierce Athens Bible School Baseball / Basketball 4.07 GPA – Varsity Baseball &
Congratulations to Madison Cowan from Hazel Green High School. She is the TOC Sports and Huntsville Hospital Sports Center Athlete of the Week for November 2020! Madison Cowan Hazel Green High School Soccer / Bowling 4.46 GPA
Congratulations to Drew Lawson from Bob Jones High School. He is the TOC Sports and Huntsville Hospital Sports Center Athlete of the Week for November 2020! Drew Lawson Bob Jones High School Football / Wrestling 3.94 GPA
Congratulations to Taryn Brown from Westminster Christian Academy. She is the TOC Sports and Huntsville Hospital Sports Center Athlete of the Week for November 2020! Taryn Brown Westminster Christian Academy Cheerleading 4.21 GPA – Cheer Captain – Football &
Read about Rita's quick recovery after knee replacement with the Mako Robot!
All TOC locations (including the Pediatric Injury Clinic and the Walk In Clinic) will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 26-27 for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
TOC Sports Medicine physician Dr. Michael Cantrell recently spoke with Thom Abraham about knee injuries, including sprains, meniscus injuries, ACL/MCL tears, and knee surgery. Listen to the interview here!
Please note that the Pediatric Injury Clinic will be CLOSED on Friday, Nov. 13, 2020.