Author: The Orthopaedic Center (TOC)

Patient Profile: Tanner Gibson

When 17 year old Tanner from Decatur started experiencing daily leg pain, she initially thought she was being too active. Between her job in a doctor’s office, working out regularly at the gym, and her daily walks with her dog, Callie, that seemed like a reasonable assumption. In addition to her typical activities, Tanner had recently been helping a friend pack to move. She hoped the pain was related to her over-exertion and would resolve with a little rest. Unfortunately, the pain worsened and became an ongoing hardship.  

Tanner endured discomfort for four months before she went to a chiropractor. Unfortunately, that visit brought only a short respite from her pain. Steroid packs and acupuncture didn’t bring relief, either. 

Family trips were canceled as she dealt with debilitating back pain. She was unable to sit through long car rides or enjoy short walks. Tanner started to feel depressed about missing out on life. 

Tanner’s mother Kacey, a nurse, was desperate to find a solution for her daughter’s pain. Finally, at the recommendation of a colleague, she and Tanner visited the office of Dr. Larry Parker, a well-known and respected TOC spine surgeon.

Dr. Parker was able to quickly diagnose the source of Tanner’s troubles as sciatic pain due to a slipped disc, which was pinching a nerve. The solution would require surgery… Tanner knew this was her opportunity to find relief and scheduled her surgery within two weeks of that visit. 

“I was really afraid for her to have any procedure done to her back, but we felt we had exhausted all other options.” Kacey recounted. Thankfully, consistent communication from Tanner’s surgeon helped relieve her parental anxieties.  Dr. Parker called Tanner’s mother before the surgery to discuss previous successes he had with similar cases. He also spoke with her the morning of the surgery and after it was complete to report on the procedure’s success. Tanner was released to go home after a couple hours. “Looking back, I wish we had considered the procedure much sooner,” Kacey said. 

After two weeks of rest at home, Tanner was back at work and enjoying her life totally pain-free. “Before I had surgery, I thought I would have to miss my Senior Trip. Now, I feel 100% better. The Senior Trip is booked and I’m Bahama bound!” Tanner said. 

Dr. Parker and TOC are very glad to have been a part of Tanner’s recovery. We wish her well as she and Callie enjoy an active life once again.  

TOC stands ready to create many more positive outcomes for our patient family with our excellent team of Spine Surgeons: Drs. Blake Boyett, Larry Parker, John Rodriguez-Feo, Calame Sammons, Brian Scholl, Morris Seymour, and Murray Spruiell. In addition, physicians Steven Buckley and Michael Lawley, TOC’s pediatric orthopaedic specialists, treat spine issues in children ages newborn to 14.

(A version of this article was originally published in TOC’s Winter 2018-19 newsletter.)

TOC Patient Spotlight - Tanner Gibson

“Tanner woke up from surgery with immediate relief.  We would recommend Dr. Parker to anyone having back pain.”

– Tanner’s mother, Kacey 

“It is highly unusual to see this kind of injury in someone so young, but fortunately, I’ve had lots of success with these operations and patients of all ages are able to resume their normal lives. It’s so rewarding to see someone recover and enjoy life as they want.”

Dr. Larry Parker 
                TOC Spine Surgeon


TOC Fit Tips: Shoulder Stretches

4 Easy Stretches for your Shoulders

Whether you’re picking up grandbabies in a big bear hug or throwing the winning touchdown, everyone needs to be able to move their shoulders through their normal ranges.  You can improve your flexibility through range-of-motion (ROM) exercises. Stretch out your shoulders with these four basic movements.
ROM Flexion: Slide your arm up a wall, with your palm facing out as you lean toward the wall. Hold that for 10 seconds, and repeat it five times, twice a day. Alternate each arm.
ROM External Rotation: Keep the palm of your hand against a door frame with your elbow bent at 90 degrees. Turn your body from the fixed hand until you start to feel a stretch. Hold ten seconds, repeat five times and do this twice a day. Alternate each arm.
ROM Towel Stretch: With interior rotation pull your arm up behind your back by pulling the towel up with your other arm. Hold for ten seconds, repeat five time and do this set twice a day. Alternate each arm.
Corner Stretch: Stand in the corner with your elbows at shoulder level, leaning forward to stretch across your chest. Hold for ten seconds, repeating five times for two sessions a day.
For more tips, visit, your online guide to Sports Medicine.

(This article originally appeared in TOC’s Winter 2018-19 Newsletter.)

Holiday Hours – After Hours Clinic

Christmas: The After Hours Clinic will be OPEN on Saturday, Dec. 22 from 8:00 am – 11:00 am; and CLOSED Monday & Tuesday, Dec. 24-25.

New Year’s:  The After Hours Clinic will be OPEN on Monday, Dec. 31 from 5:00 pm – 8:00pm; and CLOSED on Tuesday, Jan. 1.

TOC wishes you and your family a safe & happy holiday season!

TOC Fit Tips: Hips & Knees

3 Easy Exercises and Joint Strengthening Tips For Your Hips & Knees

Fit Tips - Hips & Knees | TOC | The Orthopaedic CenterEveryday life can be very demanding on your body’s joints, so it’s especially common for athletes to feel occasional pain in those areas. If you need a joint issue addressed, TOC has a specialist for you.  Meanwhile, here are some helpful conditioning exercises our physicians recommend to keep your body strong. These exercises use just your body weight, no equipment needed! Continue reading “TOC Fit Tips: Hips & Knees”

TOC Hurricane Relief: Update

TOC’s Dr. Leberte and his family delivered your generous donations to Parker City, FL, which is about 19 miles from Mexico Beach.  As you can see, there is extensive damage there.  The aid workers they met are a super group from California, and the supplies, especially the water, were greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

While TOC is no longer collecting donations, there are still plenty of opportunities to keep the relief effort going. Click here for more information: Hurricane Relief on

Hurricane Relief – Thank You!

TOC Hurricane Relief Donations
TOC’s 4th floor lobby was overflowing with your donations.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to TOC’s Hurricane Relief Drive – your generosity has been amazing!  Yesterday we nearly filled The Surgery Center’s truck with water, food, cleaning supplies and more.  Your donations will soon be on their way to Panama City, FL.


TOC Hurricane Relief Donations



TOC Hurricane Relief - truck
Thank you to The Surgery Center for the use of their truck.


TOC Hurricane Relief donations
Packed up and ready to head south!


TOC Hurricane Relief

The Orthopaedic Center | Hurricane Michael Relief | Panama City, FL | Florida Gulf Coast Hurricane ReliefHere at TOC our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by Hurricane Michael. TOC is organizing a relief effort, collecting non-perishable items for gulf coast residents in need. You are invited to bring items to any TOC location. We will deliver the donations to Panama City on October 26.

Items needed include:

  • Bottled water
  • Canned/boxed foods (no glass please)
  • Personal care items (soap/shampoo/toothpaste/over-the-counter meds)
  • Cleaning supplies/trash bags/paper towels/buckets
  • Batteries & flashlights
  • Diapers
  • Pet food & supplies
  • Grills & charcoal
  • Toys
  • any non-perishable items!

Donations will be collected through Thursday, October 25. Thank you for your help!