Problem: Dislocated his shoulder
Treatment: A second option to give rehab a try.
Result: Dr. Carter putting patients’ interests first, avoiding surgery. Kobe put the work in and his shoulder healed fine with no problems

To say that the game of basketball is a family affair in the Brown household might be the understatement of the year.
The patriarch of the team, Greg, played the game most of his life and has spent the last 20 years coaching the game at Lee High School. His sons, Kobe and Kaleb, both have played the game since childhood. Kobe played for his dad at Lee and is now a sophomore playing for the University of Missouri men’s basketball team. Younger brother Kaleb is scheduled to follow big brother Kobe to Missouri after one more year at Lee with his father. It’s easy to see how important basketball is to this family and what a great opportunity Greg had to coach his sons throughout high school. He was able to teach them everything they needed to know about the game: fundamentals, plays, and even techniques. As Lee High School’s Head Boys Basketball Coach and through personal experience, Greg also had the chance to teach them and his entire team about Team Physician Dr. Brian Carter, and how critical it is to have someone like him on your bench.
Athletes who make it through a season without accident or injury are fortunate. The same could be said of those who navigate through life without incident. Greg went many years before he needed to see an orthopaedic physician. It wasn’t until a fender-bender aggravated his upper back and shoulder that Coach needed to see Dr. Carter. He needed quick relief, but appreciated Doc’s patience. “Getting in to see him is no problem. He gets us in ASAP. But he is never in a rush… He never gives you the feeling that he’s rushing you. He is quite thorough.” These characteristics held high value in Coach Brown’s book, particularly when his sons began to play for him at Lee.
Throughout his career, Coach has always put the safety of his sons and team first.
So, when his oldest son, Kobe, injured his foot and later dislocated his shoulder, there was never any hesitation as to where Coach was taking his son. Even recently, when younger brother Kaleb injured his groin, and later a finger on the court, Dr. Carter was who Coach wanted his sons to see. “He goes through all the steps with you and explains both sides of the coin for you. He’s very flexible…meaning, if there’s an injury and he believes there is a way to return the athlete to play, he’ll find it and test it. He puts your interests first.”
Coach Brown recalls one particular instance when Kobe was facing the possibility of having surgery on his shoulder but sought that trusted second opinion from Dr. Carter. “We were out of town when Kobe hurt his shoulder. We went to a local physician who told us that Kobe needed surgery to correct the issue, otherwise he would continue to have problems. After we came home, I took Kobe to see Dr. Carter. He understood the situation, but said, ‘Let’s try something else.’ Doc said rest and rehab could do the trick, and it did. Kobe put the work in and his shoulder healed fine with no problems.”
Greg enters his 23rd year with Lee High School and his 20th year coaching boys’ basketball. Kobe is entering his sophomore year at the University of Missouri. Kaleb is a senior at Lee, with one more year with Dad as his coach. Once finished, Kaleb will join his brother at the University of Missouri as a part of the men’s basketball team.
Dr. Brian Carter is an orthopaedic specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and a member of The Orthopaedic Center Sports Medicine Team. He specializes in the diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of soft tissue, neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders. He is Team Physician for Huntsville Havoc Hockey and several area schools and club teams. Dr. Carter brings his expertise and care to our Huntsville and Madison locations.